
Medium & Heavyweight Turnout Rugs

We have Top and best quality horse rug in our store which prevent your horse from horse flies, insect, ultraviolet ray (UV protection), rain, cold winter, summer in different season with different denier material & weight. Once you’ve decided your horse needs a rug, the next decision is the type of horse rug that will best suit their needs. horse turnout rugs are sold in three main weights that refer to the insulating property of the rug as opposed to the physical weight of the rug. Horse turnout rug available in all sizes 5'6", 5'9", 6,0", 6'3", 6'6", 6,9" or 5ft 6inch, 5ft 9, 6ft 0, 6ft 3, 6ft 6, 6ft 9. Types of horse rugs as well as some of the different fabric and weight options are lightweight, mediumweight, heavyweight so here, we have mediumweight turnout horse rug for your horse with 600, 1200 Denier materials. mediumweight rugs are either 150g, 200g or 250g and will provide your horse with a nice level of warmth. medium rugs contain a good amount of fill to keep your horse warm, while not being too heavy to cause any overheating. 

Outdoor Winter 600 Denier Turnout Horse Rugs 150G Combo Navy/Raspberry 5'3-6'9 - Tack24
Outdoor Winter 600 Denier Turnout Horse Rugs 150G Combo Navy/Raspberry 5'3-6'9 - Tack24

Outdoor Winter 600 Denier Turnout Horse Rugs 150G Combo Navy/Raspberry 5'3-6'9



Buy Outdoor Winter 600 Denier Turnout Horse Rugs 150G Combo Navy/Raspberry 5'3-6'9 from ✓ Only Genuine Products ✓ 30 Day Replacement G...

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